Book. Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri De temporibus, siue, De sex aetatibus huius seculi liber incipit. 1509.

Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri De temporibus, siue, De sex aetatibus huius seculi liber incipit. P. Victoris De regionibus urbis Rome libellus aureus. 1509. Author Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735; Victor, Publius. Publication date 1509 Topics World history, Chronology, Historical, Names, Geographical Publisher Impressum Vene[tiae] : P[er] Ioan. de Tridino alias Tacuino…

Article. Seppo Heikkinen. The Resurrection and Afterlife of an Archaic Metre: Bede, The Carolingians and the Trochaic Septenarius. 2014.

The Resurrection and Afterlife of an Archaic Metre: Bede, The Carolingians and the Trochaic Septenarius Seppo Heikkinen, C&M 65 The trochaic septenarius, the vernacular or Plautine form of the trochaic tetrameter catalectic, is the sole representative of the archaic forms of iambotrochaic verse discussed in Bede’s De arte metrica, and…

Migne. Patrologia Latina Tomi XC – XCV. PIMS.

The Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies is allowing access through the Internet Archive, to the Bibliotheca and the main collections available there. Recently, an almost complete digitalization of the Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina, was released in IA. The items related directly to Beda ‘Opera Omnia’ are magnificent and all…

El website mantenido por Nicholas A. Baer está centrado íntegramente en cuestiones del cómputo del tiempo según cronologías y cronografías antiguas. Pueden encontrarse utilerías para el cálculo de la Pascua, programas para conversiones entre calendarios Gregoriano y Juliano, y por si esto fuera poco, una generosa sección de ensayos con…